Thursday, February 21, 2019

Is submarine Launched C-708UNA ASHM can become Nightmare for Indian Navy?

Is submarine Launched C-708UNA AShM can become Nightmare for Indian Navy?

The C-708UNA is one of China's most capable submarine launched missiles. It can cover three times the distance of its C-801 predecessor. China could sell it to long time customers like Pakistan and Thailand.

The C-708UNA sub-launched cruise missile has a range of 128km, which gives it a 300% range increase over the older C-801 missile.

 The C-708, encased in a torpedo like case, is shot out from the submarine's torpedo tube, through the water and into the air. The missile then breaks free of its casing, fires its booster and then engine, and flies out to hit its target ship.

 Because it can be fired from a torpedo tube, the CM-708 would allow China's older Song class submarines to strike enemy warships, out of the range of most anti-submarine warfare systems.

Pakistan already have submarine launched Exocet anti-ship missiles which have range of 55km. If Pakistan Navy buy C-807UNA with their uncoming new submarines from China than this missile can become nightmare for Carrier group of Indian Navy.

Source., #Science_

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