Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Is operation parakram(2001-2002)was a complete failure of Indian army?

Is Operation Parakram(2001-2002) was a complete failure of indian army?

India deployed its bigger part of army on Indo-Pak border after parliament attack.

The standoff inflicted heavy casualties. The total Indian casualties were 789–1,874 killed. Many accidents during the mobilisation were due to the poor quality of mines and fuses. Around 100 of these fatalities were from mine laying operations. Artillery duels with Pakistan, vehicle accidents, and other incidents make up the rest.
Here Pakistan suffered 37 causalities.

The Indian cost for the buildup was ₹216 billion (US$3.0 billion) while Pakistan's was $1.4 billion.
The standoff led to a total of 155,000 Indians and 45,000 Pakistanis displaced, per Pakistani media estimates.

Not only for soldiers , mine became destruction for indian public near border after this operation. Only first month ,7 indian civilians killed due to mine blasts.

"Actually there was no reason to deploy hundreds of troops on border of Pakistan as Pakistan was not a Dangerous thing for us, our main enemy was China"
(Former Naval Chief of india)


1 comment:

  1. بھارت کی فوج کے سامنے سب سے بڑا چیلنج اپنی عزت بچانا ہے عوام کے سامنے کیونکہ انکے میڈیا نے بھارتی جاہل عوام کو جنگی جنون میں مبتلا کردیا ہے
